Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sick and Unoriginal

I'm still sick, sustained solely by Nyquil and hot tea. As a result, I feel completely unoriginal. In my frugal stead, enjoy an article from about saving money on food. Also, check out Project Working Mom for information about free-ride scholarships for working moms who want to go back to school.


  • Anonymous

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. I had to have hubby pull over to the side of the road this afternoon so I could hang out the door and puke. Dunno if it was new iron pills, hypoglycemia or God forbid I'm coming down with the flu that's been going around. Once I tossed my cookies I got some lunch and I felt fine.

  • Elizabeth

    Lol...poor Christy!

    I hope you feel better Amanda. Have your hubby make some potato soup, or better yet cream of wheat. The best when you're sick!

  • Randi~Dukes and Duchesses

    I'm so sorry you're still sick! You poor thing. Hope James is taking care of you this weekend.

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