Are you ready for more Babbit the Blue Rabbit?

The kids have really embraced the Babbit photo project (despite the fact that the rest of the world thinks I'm an absolute dork). In fact, they've written notes and journal entries about him, and have insisted that Babbit join them in photos that I intended to take of them alone. I'm concerned he may end up in our next family photos!
As far as the kids are concerned, including the Blue Rabbit has helped them to look at things differently. Ideally, Babbit will be pictured in an unusual way, and because they realize that, the kids are are viewing our adventures with eyes wide open. Chronicling our trip through Babbit's experiences has made our average journey extra fun.
Today, Babbit visited the Precious Moments Chapel in Carthage, Missouri. According to the website, "Precious Moments artist and creator, Samuel J. Butcher, designed and constructed the Precious Moments Chapel as his way of sharing the joy of his faith with the world... Sam used his beautiful and innocent Precious Moments messengers to bring well known and loved stories from the Bible to life in dozens of murals – all hand-painted by Sam himself. From the story of creation to the promise of the resurrection, the Chapel tour guide takes guests through the many stories of God’s love for us."

Betcha can't see Babbit!
Gracie and Babbit go camping with Cubby Bear

After a tour of the Chapel and some wandering through the grounds, we were on our way again. Babbit enjoyed some playtime at the Oklahoma border:
Then he spotted a McDonald's spanning the width of the Interstate...

... where he insisted upon a Happy Meal of his very own.

Back in Tulsa, Babbit rested in the hotel and jotted down a few notes
(Photo Credit: Gracie)

Babbit learned the joys of shopping with my friend Marcie...

... and of dining at her house where the tea is sweet, the salsa is homemade, and it's not uncommon for everything to be coated with chocolate.

Unfortunately, no one shares with Blue Rabbits. Least of all, children.

Later, we played a raucous game of Apples to Apples...

... where Babbit held his own.

Goodnight hugs between little girlfriends...

... with more fun planned for tomorrow!
Gracie leaves you with a drawing inspired by her trip to the Precious Moments Park:

"For hare (here) we stand,
for the Lord is nice (nigh)."
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart;
and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Psalm 34:18 KJV
The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him,
to all that call upon him in truth.
Psalm 145:18
You're such a fun mom!
I used to collect Precious Moments!
What a fun trip! And I love the drawings and verses.