Very early this morning, long before the sun came up, the family hit the road -- well, the runway -- bound for Florida. The kids were very excited to go, regardless of lots of work and little sleep before departure. They could barely contain their excitement long enough to pose for the obligitory pre-board photo.
Babbit, on the other hand, wondered what kind of nuts leave the house at 3:45 A.M. to do anything legal.
Ah, this kind...

...and this.

The nuts were later redeemed when the smallest one showed Babbit
the sun breaking over the clouds.
Maybe the first flight was worth it after all.
Babbit's Competition: Bub's "Baby Cow"
Guarding the luggage while the parentals look for
the Atlantis of rental car lots
(which was eventually found by entering a building, taking an escalator,
exiting a building, crossing a street, taking some stairs,
entering a garage, and wandering around for a good long while)
While continuing to wait for the car,
Babbit takes advantage of some camera time
while Gracie explains his role to Grandma
Speaking of luggage, there was barely room for Babbit
once the luggage consumed every square inch of cargo space
in the unusually-shaped car.
Any guess whose bag is pink and sequined?
Babbit arrives at the resort in Orlando.
He chills while the family checks in, stocks the condo,
and takes advantage of the on-site amenities
(namely, a bed for taking naps).
Have fun. Enjoy those kiddos.
Yay, the first post ... I've been waiting! Looks like you're off to a good start ... have fun!
Wow! Looks like you guys are having fun.
Holy Toledo that must have been an early flight. Glad you made it there safely!
I bet you are glad your trip was before the $15 each way charge per bag! That is outrageous & you would have paid a LOT! :)
Gotta love airlines.....