Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Stop This Crazy Ride -- I Wanna Get Off!

You know how you feel when you come to the end of a loopy roller coaster: body still propelling forward, mind continuing to spin? Well, that's how I feel today. The last of house guests left this morning*, and I find myself hardly functional.

Chelsea keeps asking me if I want to watch a movie we rented a week ago, but I feel like I can do little more than grunt at her and sigh deeply (and blog, because I can always blog). I believe she's tired of my inability to communicate and has wandered off for a midday siesta. I'm tempted to join her.

Though I am exhausted, we've had an amazing time with the family and friends who have passed through over the last several days. We have learned, however, that it's a really bad idea to stack them back-to-back, so next year there will be some staggering. Fortunately, Marcie is like a second sister to me and all her kids are like cousins, so she and her family just make themselves right at home. That's advantageous when you're totally wiped out.

During Marcie's stay, we did little more than cook and eat constantly (because that's how she chills), stopping only to play copious amounts of board and card games. We even played dice at the neighborhood pool while the kids went for a swim! I'm pleased to announce that I did won a number of Nertz games. I know there was some concern, what with all the pre-visit smack talking I did.

For your viewing pleasure:

Get Your Game On

Beating the Heat

* Chelsea is the exception --
she's still here, but I'm pretty sure she's moved in for good.


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