Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sacrificial Swimming (Because I'm Nothing If Not Generous)

Wednesday, after the house was once again quiet and I hoped for as little movement as possible, the kids and I ended up back at the water park. Despite the fact it was free admission day, I was on the fence about going. I was so tired after the back-to-back fun that I really thought we'd skip out on a swim.

But Wednesday was my Mom's day off, and since she's a big fan of the water slide, I invited her to join us days before I achieved that level of exhaustion. After my invitation, she committed to keep the daughters of a mutual friend and promised them a play date with my kids. I could not bring myself to disappoint them. By circumstances of my own making, we were obligated to enjoy ourselves, and it actually turned out to be quite a nice evening.

Mom met us at the water park with a bag of tacos, so we fed the kids and set them loose. Bub and the older daughter, Jayden, wrestled and played and raced around the Lazy River. Gracie and Drew hugged and giggled and pranced around the splash pad. Drew was also just tall enough to go down the indoor water slide, and Gracie took great pride in showing her how it was done.

We've been quite close to these little girls and their parents for the last couple of years, but both of our families moved and have had few opportunities to spend an extended amount of time together since Christmas. It was particularly precious to watch the kids catch up, no matter how tired I felt.


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