That title is wildly inappropriate, I know. It's just that now that I'm home from the Fall Women's Ministry Dinner, I realize I don't have any good or accurate pictures of my fall table decor, and a full explanation of that fact makes for a very long blog title. I guess I should clarify and say that candle-lit fall decor looks so much better glistening and glimmering in the dark, as opposed to its appearance in the blinding, washed-out white of an unskilled photographer's flash. Please allow me to apologize in advance.
So, what's all the hubbub about this dinner, you ask?
I served as a table hostess at the Fall Women's Ministry Dinner at our church, and that's monumental for a number of reasons:
1.) I don't believe I'm hospitable by nature. Even though it seems that I'm constantly hosting people in my house for one reason or another, I don't consider myself to be a natural hostess, like some people. Setting a pretty table, making small talk -- though I love it, I have to be intentional about it.
2.) I am a planner. Even though (according to Marcie) I often put off things until the very last minute, I plan them to death far, far in advance. The two times I hosted tables at the VCC Ladies Tea, I planned for about a million years before the event. With regard to this event, I was asked Sunday night to host a table that had to be set by Tuesday morning.
Um, stress!
3.) Except for one wicker pumpkin, I don't own any fall decor. And with Christmas being about 15 minutes away, I've grounded myself from all nonsensical spending. With limited time for planning and a budget of which to be conscious, I had to be creative and open-minded. To my great surprise, everything came together much easier than I'd hoped, and the final result wasn't too shabby, if I do say so myself.
That said, please excuse my extraordinarily bad photography...
Table for EightWhite tablecloth, golden taupe sheer curtain panels as accent fabric, gold chargers, pink Tiara plates and coffee cups, pink candy dishes, wine goblets for beverages, votive holders on stems, fall cornucopia in brown/pink/gold, pine cones and fall foliage fresh from the park
Pretty fall decor under a flash
looks like a pile of freshly raked leaves.Sigh.
Everything Looks Better in the DarkIncluding the pictures I take,
which happen to look best when the dark is pitch black.
Poor photography or not, the evening was lovely -- enchanting, even. Every table was beautifully appointed and filled with incredible women. Together, we shared a delicious meal, good conversation, incredible worship, and a challenging message. I feel so completely refreshed and encouraged.
"And let us not neglect our meeting together,
as some people do,
but encourage one another,
especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
-- Hebrews 10:25 NLT
Yeah but Fall decor is 75% off at Michaels right now!!
I wish I would have known that on Monday! :)
I wish I felt "completely refreshed and encouraged"... maybe I should have come with you.
Your table is pretty, by the way.
hilarious title and pretty table
I think it looked beautiful - flash or not! Hospitality is an attitude, not an ability to come up with decorations and theme food. :) You, my friend, are definitely hospitable...
You're hard on yourself. The table is stunning ... really beautiful! Martha would be proud (and you know I can say that since we're BFFs now). You may not love small talk but you're an incredible conversationalist ... what a great blessing to those at your table!
I was there in person & the table was absolutely beautiful. I am most impressed at how quickly you pulled it off and with the billowy, metalic, sparkly fabric!