Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Saturday Recap

Saturday was Bub's first flag football game, and yesterday at school, he wrote an account of his experience. These are his thoughts, verbatim:

On Saterday I had to go to our very first football game. I was on offince in the first haff. My teams name was the Green Dragons and the teams name was the Yellow Bees. It was very hard. After the first haff was over, the score bored siad... Dragons had 0 points and the other team had 7 points. We were giting beat bad. Then they called deffience to come to the feaild. While they were playing, I was watching them play. They looked they had a pretty hard time without me. We had flags on and we haff to pull them. Both teams had flags. Thire team was very good at playing football. They were better then our team. I hope we win the next big game!

(Don't mind the misspellings -- he's in the first grade and is encouraged to spell phonetically. Italics added to emphasize my favorite part. Such a humble boy.)


  • Michele

    I stumbled on your blog today and have enjoyed reading about your life of love and of loss. I'm so very sorry for the death of your babies - I lost a son and daughter due to a darn IC in 2003 and while the pain has eased, it still hurts and I miss them terribly.

    I hope to read more about your continued journey through this maze of grief.

    Be blessed!

  • Happy Mommy

    First Grade boys are great! And my first grade boy is just about as humble as your first grade boy!

  • Michele

    Thanks for leaving such sweet comments on my blog :)

    My losses were in 2003 (twins - one died at 2 days old the other at 4 days) - we kept blog during that time and you can read about our story here:

    Your first anniversary is coming up, correct? I will be praying for you - I had some very very dark days that first year. It's a pain you don't wish on anyone.

  • Anonymous

    Hey friend-just keeping my head above water. Having trouble getting email out. Can recieve but not send out. Grrrrrr. If you still have my cell, you can call there. I am without all my contact info for everyone down here. Jenny has my number if you want it from her.

  • Randi~Dukes and Duchesses

    Love it!

  • Julie

    That is great!
    Keep encouraging him. Kaitlyn's soccer team is a team full of girls that have never played before (you can imagine how the games were turning out)

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