Sweet Baby --
On this day, the day you died, we climbed into the clouds, marveled at majesty, and scrawled sentiments into the snow.
We have found comfort in our escape. By removing ourselves from the everyday, we've been able to deeply reflect on the brevity of your life. We miss you immensely, and a moment never passes that we prefer things as they are. We would much rather have you home with us. Conversely, we find that we have grown from one year ago to now. One year ago, I thought I may die from the brokenness inside of me. I didn't know how I could survive the pain that consumed every portion of my being. Today, I live, and while we are no closer to understanding, we are closer to healing. Though timidly, the heart once shattered beats again.
Sweet Baby, we love you, we long for you, and we wait with anticipation the day we'll hold you again.
Scenes from the day