Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Look Back at the New Year

We were still being secretive about the pregnancy at the dawn of the new year, and because I was concerned about spilling the baby beans, I didn't post about about how we celebrated. Better late than never, I guess.

My mom happened to be scheduled off for New Year's Eve and the two days before. She asked to have the kids over during that time, and we, of course, complied. Since her availability was a last-minute surprise, James began looking for a kid-free environment where we could go to celebrate. After two days of deliberation, though, we couldn't come up with anything.

Realistically, we knew that we were limited on what we could go do. James had to work a half-day on New Year's Eve, so we couldn't go out of town. Of course, we were late making plans, so we knew many of the local things we'd want to do would be booked solid. More than that, though, we knew there was a good chance I'd be unable to make it past 11:00 P.M., and if you can't stay awake to actually ring in the new year, what's the point really?

Instead, we went to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner, then to the movies to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Afterwards, we picked the kids up and made a quick stop for confetti poppers and glow necklaces. (But seriously, how embarrassing is it that we turned down free childcare on New Year's Eve? We're practically geriatric.)

When we got home, we made hats out of black card stock, glitter, glue and Christmas tinsel destined for the garbage. The hats turned out a bit more Napoleonic than I intended, but the kids had fun making a midnight craft. Around 10:00 P.M., we sat outside to watch all the fireworks in the neighborhood and the police doing their best to get the chaos under control. At 11:00 P.M., we watched the ball drop in New York, we popped our poppers, we hooped and hollered, and then we went to bed.

The New Year at Waterloo

Party Animals
(Gracie's not wearing a coconut bra as it seems.
She's holding close her new African-American twin baby dolls.)


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