Friday, January 2, 2009

Frugal Friday Linkage: New Year 2009 Edition

I laughed when I read my friend Amy's recent Facebook status update. She wished her friends a Happy New Year, then said, "May your resolutions fail within one week, so we can all get back to normal!" Such a sad sentiment, and yet, so accurate. How often do we commit to outlandish ideas, and then beat ourselves up when they don't work out? Too many times, I'm sure.

As for us, we've resolved to alter our spending in 2009. Our expenditures have unexpectedly changed in some areas, while in other areas of budgeting (like dining and entertainment), we've grown lazy and wasteful. It's time once again to tighten that budgeting belt. Instead of heeding Amy's suggestion, may each of our resolve for the new year be certain and successful.

Most say they'll rein in spending for New Year :: Houston Chronicle

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Saving Money ::

2009 Calendars: Freebie Printables ::

Beautiful Black-Eyed Pea Salad :: Cheap Healthy Good

Being Organized is Frugal ::

Keep Track of your Money with Suze's Expense Sheet ::

Gas Prices at 5-Year Low and Falling ::

Corporate Darwinism - Only the Strong Will Survive ::

(Local News) Economy Hurting Attendance at Boy King's Exhibit ::


  • Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing all these great links! I especially like the collection of printable calendars. Now if I only had some printer ink. ;)

  • Randi~Dukes and Duchesses

    I need to stop wasteful spending as well ... it's all too easy to grab a hamburger on the way home. Even easier now that Sonic has their darn value menu! :)

  • amy

    Hey there! It was said in jest - because people make lofty goals with no real action toward keeping them! :) As I posted on my blog, I try to make new resolutions throughout the year. For some reason, they don't seem destined to fail when they are made on a date other than Jan. 1st! lol

    We are tightening our budget belt as well. I'm not calling it a "resolution", because that would doom it to failure... but we are severly changing some of our spending habits! :)

  • Julie

    "There's no place like home, There's no place like home"
    And if the mortgage rates fall to 4.5%, I will be lovin' my home even more when it is refinanced! :)
    Love the articles as always

  • In His Grip

    Thanks for the tips. You will have another reason to save this coming year now.

  • Amanda

    Or spend. I'm pretty sure I'll be reallocating funds rather than actually saving anything.

  • Anonymous

    Mandi, I miss you!!

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