Yesterday, we had such fun with our friend Rachel, who is turning six. She had a pool/luau party at a new activity center, where the amenities were fantastic. Rachel and her mommy were surrounded by many dear friends, and it turned out to be such a sweet celebration. My kids had a blast and agreed that the goody bag they came away with was the best ever (which it was -- thank you DeDe and the Oriental Trading Company). They even asked to have leftover cake for dinner (as if it was ours to take home, or as if I would allow that. They know that leftover cake is for breakfast*).
As for pictures, I thought I had more. Because I'd just been to the podiatrist, I didn't get in the water. Instead, I snapped photos the whole time. It didn't occur to me until now that I had DeDe's camera all along.
Happy Birthday, Rachel!

*I'm kidding about the cake. Leftover cake is only for my breakfast. Tee hee!
Love the photos! All the girls had a good time I think. Sorry I missed being able to hang out with yall!
Thank you Amanda for caring for Rebecca during the party and all of your help and support and pictures and, and, and ... Thank you also for coming over afterwards and helping with the "openings" so we could visit a little and I did not have to do it alone. Love you!!
I will blog the party shortly with all your pictures.
Also, I am so glad you all had a great time - we did too. BTW, the kids left their beach balls over here - bummer, another reason we have to get together before school starts - ha!ha!
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