Sunday, August 23, 2009


Last weekend and this weekend, we spent time with friends celebrating the miracle God has done for our family in Brystol. These precious people loved on us, prayed for us, and showered us with the most wonderful gifts. (We had another fun shower during the pregnancy thrown by church friends and our community group, but I didn't take my camera and don't have any digital images to blog. Anyone care to share?)

Last weekend, my friend Marcie threw together an impromptu shower for us when James was suddenly scheduled to work in Tulsa and the kids and I tagged along. It was great to see a few Oklahoma friends and some family at the last minute, and we were spared from making the rounds. (James was on camera duty, and yet, there are very few pictures of the friends who came by. Oh well. You know who you are.)

This weekend, Brystol and I celebrated with many of our local friends. These are the friends who rallied around us during each and every one of our losses. They sat with us in the hospital as we waited for sad endings, they planned a memorial service, they brought meals and sent cards and flowers. These are the friends who prayed for us and walked with us all along our reproductive journey, during high times and low. This shower was such an amazing blessing as several of these ladies were planning a baby shower for us when I was pregnant for Zachary. To have them plan a shower for my take-home baby was amazing. It truly meant so much.

It has been so incredible to share our joy with those who have walked through such dark times with us. God has blessed us all...

Brystol, Four Weeks Old


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