Thursday, August 6, 2009

At Two Weeks

Two weeks with a new baby in the house go by so much faster than two weeks waiting for baby, and the "2ww" (the "two-week wait" -- the two week span of time between ovulation and implantation) wondering if you've conceived a baby doesn't even feel like the same passage of time at all.

Brystol is now 2 weeks old and she's changed so much. She's obviously thinner -- she weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces at birth, she dropped to 6 lbs. 10, and is now right back around 7 pounds. To get her back to birth weight and beyond, we're both nursing and supplementing with expressed milk using a Medela starter supplemental nursing system. I'm hoping to eliminate all supplemental technology within the next couple of weeks, but my plans are contingent upon her rate of growth. She's growing, she's putting on weight and going in the right direction, it's just not a quick process.

Brystol has more periods of alertness than she did initially. We love looking into her beautiful eyes. They're still that standard grey-blue color of the newborn, but I think they'll be brown in the end. Her hair is thinning a bit in the front, and every once in a while, I think I see a hint of red. (It's very red in these pictures!) James is concerned Brystol will be the only red-headed Filipino in the world, but that's what he gets for marrying a girl of German/Irish descent -- the risk of red-headed kids who tan well. She's lost the squeaky cry of a newborn baby and now has a robust howl. And speaking of lost, she lost her umbilical cord stump and found her big girl belly button. Her buttoned little tummy looks so cute!

Tummy Time with Dad

Not Feeling Photogenic

Big Girl Belly Button

Sleeping Sweetly


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